High Performance DC Generators

Our DC generators have no windings, thereby being considerably easier to construct. MagVorTechs use cutting edge neodymium-iron-boron magnets developed in Anderson Indiana by the Chinese government and general motors corporation. These neodymium-iron-boron magnets are the strongest permanent magnets available, and are still being improved. MagVorTechs magnets are custom made for us in China. Our DC generator design have no coils or windings, enabling much simpler construction techniques.

Detailed Product Description
We prefer rare earth magnets as a permanent field source, and our designs model natural circulating electromagnetic systems such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and galaxies.
DC generators are widely used to produce a DC voltage.  The amount of voltage produced depends on a variety of factors.
Voltage Production Recall from Module 3, DC Circuits, that there are three conditions necessary to induce a voltage into a conductor. 1. A magnetic field 2. A conductor 3. Relative motion between the two A DC generator provides these three conditions to produce a DC voltage output. Theory of Operation A basic DC generator has four basic parts: (1) a magnetic field; (2) a single conductor, or loop; (3) a commutator; and (4) brushes (Figure 3). The magnetic field may be supplied by either a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. For now, we will use a permanent magnet to describe a basic DC generator.
An electrical Generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy (or power) into electrical energy (or power).
Principle :
It is based on the principle of production of dynamically (or motionally) induced e.m.f (Electromotive Force). Whenever a conductor cuts magnetic flux, dynamically induced e.m.f. is produced in it according to Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction. This e.m.f. causes a current to flow if the conductor circuit is closed.
Hence, the basic essential parts of an electric generator are :
A magnetic field and
A conductor or conductors which can so move as to cut the flux. So as you can see there lies a simple generator with a field, coil and relative motion between them. So from faraday’s laws of E.M.I we can say that the coil(loop) would house an E.M.F.

Custom Neodymium Iron Boron Magnets

Detailed Product Description
Diameter: 4.5 inch
These exceptional magnets are 1 inch thick and 4. 5 inches in diameter. There is a 1 inch hole in the middle. The field is oriented along the axis of symmetry. These are some of the largest rare earth magnets ever made. They were custom made for me in China. The material technology was developed here in Indiana by a joint venture between the Chinese Government and General Motors Corporation. I have 10 magnets available. They have an attraction force between 2 magnets that approaches 800lbs! ! They must be handled very carefully, they are potentially dangerous. If mishandled they could remove a finger. I had these magnets custom made for my generator prototypes. They work just fine, but I had to order a quantity of them to get the price down, so I have extras.